Cette Histoire de Jules Verne, qui va paraître demain aux USA, est une histoire vraie. Mais elle n'a bien sûr rien à voir avec qui vous savez. Ce Jules Verne-là n'est autre qu'un chien de chasse, le chien de Wayne Simmons, qui est un artiste peintre vivant aux USA, et qui est très inspiré par la gente canine. Si un jour j'ai un chien, je l'appellerai Wayne Simmons.
Wayne Simmons, artist living in Wisconsin, leads a charmed life. Still he maintains a relentless, unfulfilled dream—that of owning a truly exceptional hunting dog. At last, the bird dog of his dreams arrives, but instead of greatness and majesty, the man discovers a skinny foundling of questionable pedigree to agonize over. The Story of Jules Verne is a story for dog lovers. It is a true story—the experiences, the characters, even the rocky start of a very special relationship. The story, with paintings and illustrations by the author, recounts a young man's journey with his hunting dog over a ten-year span. In many ways, the book is a compilation of closely related short stories, written in sequence, about an ordinary guy and his "once in a lifetime" hunting dog.
Link : Amazon.com
Link : Amazon.com
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