A priori, la reconnaissance des Français pour Jules Verne est insuffisante pour qu'il repose aux côtés de son ami Alexandre Dumas, au Panthéon des Grands Hommes à Paris. On le regrette, mais on se consolera en pensant que les Verniens du monde entier, eux, n'ont pas hésité à se mobiliser - et de quelle façon admirable ! - pour le hisser aux meilleures places du Panthéon de l'Internet (www.jesuismort.com). De la quarantième place, qu'il occupait lorsque je lançai mon appel, le 11 janvier dernier, il est passé grâce à vos votes à la huitième place en quelques jours, et, "cerise sur le gâteau", il vient même d'en gagner encore une nouvelle depuis hier. Le but de cet appel était d'offrir à Jules Verne, pour son 180e anniversaire, la place qu'il mérite au sein de ce panthéon des temps modernes. Le moins que l'on puisse dire est qu'il a été entendu et relayé au-delà de toutes mes espérances. Parvenus de tous les continents, les votes ont été émis d'environ une trentaine de pays différents. Bravo, un grand Merci à tous et... Bon Anniversaire Cher Jules Verne !
A priori, the gratitude of the French people for Jules Verne is insufficient so that he rests beside his friend Alexandre Dumas, in the Pantheon of the Big Men and Women in Paris. We regret it, but we shall console by thinking that Verniens of the whole world, them, did not hesitate to mobilize - and how admirable ! - to hoist him in the best places of the Pantheon of the Internet ( www.jesuismort.com ). Of the fortieth place, which he occupied when I appealed, on January 11th of this year, he is crossed thanks to your votes on the eighth place in some days, and, better, he just won one more since yesterday. The purpose was to offer to Jules Verne, for its 180th birthday, the place which it deserves within this pantheon of modern times. Least that we can say is that it was heard and relieved beyond all my expectations. From all the continents, the votes were about uttered around thirty different countries. Bravo, many thanks to all... and Happy Birthday Dear Jules Verne !
A priori, the gratitude of the French people for Jules Verne is insufficient so that he rests beside his friend Alexandre Dumas, in the Pantheon of the Big Men and Women in Paris. We regret it, but we shall console by thinking that Verniens of the whole world, them, did not hesitate to mobilize - and how admirable ! - to hoist him in the best places of the Pantheon of the Internet ( www.jesuismort.com ). Of the fortieth place, which he occupied when I appealed, on January 11th of this year, he is crossed thanks to your votes on the eighth place in some days, and, better, he just won one more since yesterday. The purpose was to offer to Jules Verne, for its 180th birthday, the place which it deserves within this pantheon of modern times. Least that we can say is that it was heard and relieved beyond all my expectations. From all the continents, the votes were about uttered around thirty different countries. Bravo, many thanks to all... and Happy Birthday Dear Jules Verne !
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